Saturday, December 25, 2010

Under the Banner of Heaven: Post 1

Under the Banner of Heaven written by Jon Krakauer is a book that jumps back and forth between the religion of Fundamentalist Mormonism (FLDS) and a story about Mormon brothers who murdered a woman and her infant child based on what they believed was a comandment from God. So far, through two chapters it has not yet touched upon the story of the Lafferty brothers. Thus far, it has basically explained the story of the split in the Mormon relgion between FLDS and LDS (Church of Latter Day Saints) and has given some background to mostly the FLDS and their beliefs. Basically from what Krakauer is telling us, I have learned that the FLDS believers are a bunch of kooks. I would like to start with a man they called "Uncle Rulon". He started the FLDS sect in Colorado City as an 82 year old accountant. People, mainly himself, believed him to be the prophet, closely related to Joseph Smith, creator of the mormon religion. His beliefs are almost amish like, the people of the religion are not allowed to use an electricity. If they are caught breaking the rules of the religion, their wives and childeren (they are thought to be possesions of the religion, not the husband) will be given to another man, more worthy. The stories that have been told in this book so far explain of old men who have married multiple wives, as many as 72 that i have heard of, with as many as 200 offspring. These men have married some off these woman at very young ages like thirteen and fourteen. Thus by the laws of the United States making these men rapists and pedophiles. Basically cheating the government for money living off a welfare checks that are not needed because the sister wives, as they are called, are by the states considered single mothers. So far there has not been much worth talking about besides the fact that this religion is very crazy and that the men and woman who have been able to get out of the religion are very lucky people. I am very interested to read on because I want to hear about this commandment from God. I'll hit you back with another post when I get done reading the next section.

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