Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Abortion: To Have or Not to Have?

NARAL: Pro-Choice America v. National Right to Life are having the fight over abortions once again. This is a never ending debate that should be put to rest. Abortions were created for the purpose of getting rid of unwanted babies and that shouldn't be changed. NARAL had better arguments than Natural Right to Life. The only argument that Natural Right to Life had was that life begins inside the the whom, and the only reason they say that is because that argument is backed by religion. People who are pro-life are the very conservative religious people. These are the crazy people who also believe in abstinence to prevent pregnancy. On the other side of things, NARAL has made the argument that abortions are needed for when a girl gets pregnant by rape and by incest. Those two reasons alone are reason enough to keep abortions legal. NARAL is winning the debate because at this point they have not be able to get rid of abortion nation wide, and it does not look like that is going to change just quite yet. National Right to Life was not able to sway my opinion what so ever, my opinions are very strong on the idea.
As an 18 year old, I believe, as I stated above, abortions should be legal. There are many circumstances in which they need to be used, and they cannot just take a way that option. Some pro-life groups say that if you cannot support the child then you give them up for abortion but who says that life is not going to be worse. Sometimes you have to make tough choices. I think that if the girl is under the age of 18 then the parents need to consent to the abortion but if the girl is legally of age then she is able to make the decision on her own without parental consent. I just think that if you are still under the residency of your parents they have the right to know. 18 year olds are old enough to vote, therefore they are old enough to get an abortion without parental consent.
In regards to the father, he does not need to consent, it is not his body that will be going through the change and perhaps he was a one time thing that girl never sees again. You can't expect the girl to keep the baby because of this.
I agree with the Illinois Abortion Law, it all seems fair and reasonable. I agree with the law that says the parental consent is needed for a minor. This is a good law because girls under the age of 18 are not ready to handle these decisions alone. They should be allowed to make their own decision and all in all it should be the girl's choice and nobody Else's.
The main problem I have with the pro-lifers is that they are all religion freaks. I cannot handle all this Jesus this Jesus that Bologna. America is not a religion specific country so the evangelicals from Focus on the Family should not be telling the Jewish girls that they cannot have abortions because Jesus wasn't aborted. Abortion is a one by one circumstantial decision. Each girl has a different case than the other and that is why it should be their decision and nobody Else's. The great thing about being Pro-Choice, is that you are pro choice. That means you are for the choice of abortion, it doesn't mean you have to get an abortion every time you are pregnant, it just means you like to have the choice. Everyone is technically is pro-choice, it just so happens that all of the pro-lifers choose to be in favor of having the baby, that is their prerogative.
That's enough with this, the pro-lifers should be embarrassed when they use Mel Gibson as part of their argument to make abortion illegal.

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