Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Under the Banner of Heaven: Post 2 of 5

As i continue to read through the book I can't help to wonder if there might be a hint of mormonism in me. On Christmas day I went and the saw "Little Fockers" and it shows Robert De Niro trying to finish a family tree that he has dating back to the 1600s. At the end of the movie Dustin Hoffman informs De Niro that he is 1/23rd Jewish. This also makes me wonder since there are so many Mormons out there, based on polygamy and reproduction rate, and that mormonism was actually created in Illinois, perhaps maybe I am 1/23rds Mormon. Its a possibility. It is an unfortunate possibility. Basically, the book has went into more discussion about plural marriages and all of the under the table illegaliest that go on in these FLDS clans. I cannot explain how these family trees work but in one case a woman becomes her own step-grandmother because of how she marries and re-marries and her kids marry and brothers marry and sisters and fathers and so on. It is a gross practice which leads to incest. Krakauer explains how a lot of the women in these clans are raped by the time they are 10 because of the religious practice not allowing pre-marritial sex. In the 4th chapter of the book it explains the recent story of Elizabeth Smart, the 14 year old girl who was abducted into a plural marriage. This was a very interesting chapter because I remember exactly when this was going on and hearing the stories about it. It happened in 2002, and it is a very interesting case because she had opportunities to escaped but she did not want to because she was brainwashed by the abductors mormon teachings. Her abductor, Brian Mitchell, was just recently convicted of the crimes, which also makes this interesting because it is almost current. There isn;t much really to say about the people, except that they are looney tunes. It is interesting because in the U.S. Constitution one of our first rights is the freedom of religion and that should allow the mormons to practice the religion in the way they believe it with plural marriages and what not, but then in the law it is illegal to be married to more than one person, and incest is definetly illegal, so it is a very confussing situation, and which means more than the other. I would figure that the freedom of religion is more important, but if my religion tells me to kill a bunch of people then I should not have that freedom, and this is something that will be touched on later in the book I believe. It is a very interesting debate that I am going to keep reading more about. I will have another post in a few days.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Very Merry Christmas Blog

HoHoHo, you are all in for a very special treat today. Our very own Gato Claus is in for his once a year visit giving the stars the gifts that they have deserved this year, based of course upon the issues discussed so far in class this year. Not only does this cover the issues but this has the athletes we all hate and love getting the presents they deserve. Ok so now that you all know what the Gato Claus does, lets get down to business.

The first person to receive a present this year is my boy Timmy Tebow of the Denver Broncos. Being handed over the starting job by the fact that Kyle Orton is just miserable means he deserves some face time. Timmy gets this for a very special reason. In our more recent discussions we have been talking about abortions and whether or not they should be legal or illegal. Well Tim being the evengelical he is, we know that he is associated with Focus on the Family and therefore also pro-life. Tim has also announced to the entire world that he was a mistake, during the superbowl last year it was in an ad for the pro-life organization Focus on the Family. Tim also has assured us, in a press conference of course, that he is still a virgin and in fact saving himself for marriage. Well the Gato Claus would love to offer him a special present, for safe times during this christmas. Under his tree this year, Tim will be receiving a box of condoms and a prescription of birth control for his lady friend because that is the right thing to do. The starting quarterback of the Denver Broncos should be allowed to enjoy himself and not have to worry about pregnancy issues.

Next up is the always hated LeBron James. Although freedom of speech is a right we in America have theses days, after his charade he pulled on ESPN earlier this year announcing that he would be taking his "talents" to South Beach, he should be stripped of all speaking privelages. Thus under LeBron's christmas tree this year he will be finding a muzzle because nobody wants to hear him talk anymore. We are all tired of LeBron and we all know that he isn't going to win a championship, so when that time comes he can just strap that muzzle on and we won't have to listen to him speak. It is a good deal for everyone.

Lastly the Gato Claus will be stealing all of Brett Favre's presents and just leave a big ole lump of coal under his christmas tree because well, that is what he deserves after the year he has. The sexting incident reveiled, the comeback, the failed comeback. He just deserves this big pile of coal under his tree, and that is what he will be getting.

This was this years special edition of the Gato Claus, now back to a movie and chinese food, because that is how my family rolls on Christsmas.

Sidenote:  None of these presents (i.e. the pack of condoms) are supposed to offend anyone. Sorry ahead of time if they do.

Under the Banner of Heaven: Post 1

Under the Banner of Heaven written by Jon Krakauer is a book that jumps back and forth between the religion of Fundamentalist Mormonism (FLDS) and a story about Mormon brothers who murdered a woman and her infant child based on what they believed was a comandment from God. So far, through two chapters it has not yet touched upon the story of the Lafferty brothers. Thus far, it has basically explained the story of the split in the Mormon relgion between FLDS and LDS (Church of Latter Day Saints) and has given some background to mostly the FLDS and their beliefs. Basically from what Krakauer is telling us, I have learned that the FLDS believers are a bunch of kooks. I would like to start with a man they called "Uncle Rulon". He started the FLDS sect in Colorado City as an 82 year old accountant. People, mainly himself, believed him to be the prophet, closely related to Joseph Smith, creator of the mormon religion. His beliefs are almost amish like, the people of the religion are not allowed to use an electricity. If they are caught breaking the rules of the religion, their wives and childeren (they are thought to be possesions of the religion, not the husband) will be given to another man, more worthy. The stories that have been told in this book so far explain of old men who have married multiple wives, as many as 72 that i have heard of, with as many as 200 offspring. These men have married some off these woman at very young ages like thirteen and fourteen. Thus by the laws of the United States making these men rapists and pedophiles. Basically cheating the government for money living off a welfare checks that are not needed because the sister wives, as they are called, are by the states considered single mothers. So far there has not been much worth talking about besides the fact that this religion is very crazy and that the men and woman who have been able to get out of the religion are very lucky people. I am very interested to read on because I want to hear about this commandment from God. I'll hit you back with another post when I get done reading the next section.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Abortion: To Have or Not to Have?

NARAL: Pro-Choice America v. National Right to Life are having the fight over abortions once again. This is a never ending debate that should be put to rest. Abortions were created for the purpose of getting rid of unwanted babies and that shouldn't be changed. NARAL had better arguments than Natural Right to Life. The only argument that Natural Right to Life had was that life begins inside the the whom, and the only reason they say that is because that argument is backed by religion. People who are pro-life are the very conservative religious people. These are the crazy people who also believe in abstinence to prevent pregnancy. On the other side of things, NARAL has made the argument that abortions are needed for when a girl gets pregnant by rape and by incest. Those two reasons alone are reason enough to keep abortions legal. NARAL is winning the debate because at this point they have not be able to get rid of abortion nation wide, and it does not look like that is going to change just quite yet. National Right to Life was not able to sway my opinion what so ever, my opinions are very strong on the idea.
As an 18 year old, I believe, as I stated above, abortions should be legal. There are many circumstances in which they need to be used, and they cannot just take a way that option. Some pro-life groups say that if you cannot support the child then you give them up for abortion but who says that life is not going to be worse. Sometimes you have to make tough choices. I think that if the girl is under the age of 18 then the parents need to consent to the abortion but if the girl is legally of age then she is able to make the decision on her own without parental consent. I just think that if you are still under the residency of your parents they have the right to know. 18 year olds are old enough to vote, therefore they are old enough to get an abortion without parental consent.
In regards to the father, he does not need to consent, it is not his body that will be going through the change and perhaps he was a one time thing that girl never sees again. You can't expect the girl to keep the baby because of this.
I agree with the Illinois Abortion Law, it all seems fair and reasonable. I agree with the law that says the parental consent is needed for a minor. This is a good law because girls under the age of 18 are not ready to handle these decisions alone. They should be allowed to make their own decision and all in all it should be the girl's choice and nobody Else's.
The main problem I have with the pro-lifers is that they are all religion freaks. I cannot handle all this Jesus this Jesus that Bologna. America is not a religion specific country so the evangelicals from Focus on the Family should not be telling the Jewish girls that they cannot have abortions because Jesus wasn't aborted. Abortion is a one by one circumstantial decision. Each girl has a different case than the other and that is why it should be their decision and nobody Else's. The great thing about being Pro-Choice, is that you are pro choice. That means you are for the choice of abortion, it doesn't mean you have to get an abortion every time you are pregnant, it just means you like to have the choice. Everyone is technically is pro-choice, it just so happens that all of the pro-lifers choose to be in favor of having the baby, that is their prerogative.
That's enough with this, the pro-lifers should be embarrassed when they use Mel Gibson as part of their argument to make abortion illegal.