Wednesday, February 23, 2011

State of the Union

Hey blog, its been awhile, and I know it is a little late to being doing a post about the state of the union that president Obama made, but I just remembered that I forgot to make a post on this and luckily enough I took detailed notes about it. I think the two main things that should be talked about in regards to this years state of the union are that the democrats and the republicans sat together, and the shooting in Arizona. The shooting in Arizona was a big deal at the time of this because as we have all heard by now there was a congresswoman who was a victim of this. It should be mentioned that the republicans and democrats were sitting together for the first time instead of their usual seating arrangment where the republicans sit on one side and the democrats on the other side. I think this was a better way to do it because the president was able to make a speech that had a really good flow to it. He wasn't interupeted every time he said something by clapping from one side or the other.
The two things that were talked about most were the job situation and the education proposal. I liked what we Obama had to say, about how more teachers are needed, and that teachers need to put a full commitment into their teaching to make the students better and the economy better. He said that there is a need for teachers which a) will make our education better, if the teachers are good and b) give more jobs to people who need them.
The one thing I did not like about his state of the union was that he was up there telling us everything he wanted to change, but did not explain to us on how he planned to change it. I think that is something important that everyone wants to know. Sure, we all want to hear that the education system is going to get better, but how are you going to make it better so we actually believe that it will. A lot of what he says is just to get approval of everyone, and when you do that you tend to make a lot of people unhappy because you are trying to make everyone happy. He has two jobs he has to do, he has to work on getting America better and he also has to campaign for the next election. I think this was the problem he fell into, he was trying to win votes during his state of the union by making everyone happy. He should have just told us where the problems stood, and how he planned on fixing them.

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