Thursday, September 16, 2010

7 Days in September: A Movie Review

"7 Days in September" was a very heart warming movie, it shows the tragedy of September 11 and the days that follow. It is a documentry from many different people, and it shows how the civilians of New York reacted and handled that tradgic day. It really shows how New York and America came together over those days and they put everything aside to get over the tragedy. There is this one scene that shows how it tore every apart and then they realized it wasn't worth fighting with each other about. It shows this crowd of people in a very chaotic situation. Someone wrote on the ground in chalk about how the propaganda of the American flag is terrible for our country. This starts a lot of people yelling at each other over different view points. One guy is talking to this woman how they should kill everyone who made this happen and he will die in the line of fire for the country that God gave him. A woman is yelling back at him that we should try and make peace and he doesn't like her view point. This one guy steps in and tells everybody to shut the F*** up and he starts swearing saying he was pulling body parts out of the trade center rubble. He starts getting into an argument with a woman and they don't what they are arguing about and it ends up with them hugging each other crying, and that was the scene that really caught my attention because it showed how it was useless to fight with each other about what to do.
This movie sends a great message but also in a way in sort of lacks a point. When we got done watching the movie I didn't really understand what point this movie was trying to put across. Yes, America did come together in a way for these days and yes, it was a tradgic event, but it doesn't make an overall argument for a point like most documentries are trying to do. It doesn't go out and make any specific argument about what happened on that day or in those following months. And I think that was what this movie lacked. For some reason when we were done watching that movie I couldn't figure out what it was all about. I think the reason why is because it flashes to 6 months later right at the end of the movie and the guy who is filiming this part just seems to say that everyone pretty much went back to the way they were and went on living their life after that, and I think that is where this movie should make a great argument saying like why didn't we continue to be a helping nation... or something like that. I feel like although it was great in showing everyone came together for those seven days, it lacked elsewhere and I didn't really understand what the point of the movie was.

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