Friday, April 29, 2011

Why Not Take Steroids?

After watching a few videos on youtube of testimonies and high school coaches and trainers, i truly believe that if you can manage your steroid intake at a healthy rate, then why not take steroids. I read "A-Rod: The many lives of Alex Rodriguez" amd he took steroids as a sophmore at Westminister Christain. Look at where it got him, I don't see him having any health problems. Sure, he got caught, but that was the second time. Why not take them through one cycle get really good and then not use them again. Like I said if you can manage it in a healthy way and you are aware of the risks then why should they be illegal. This one video that I watched was of a high school baseball coach adressing the issue of steroids. He made a point of saying that they are illegal and that is why he believes they should not be taken. However, he did say that they should be made legal because steroids can be controlled that way. It is something where in baseball if you hit .220 then it will make you a .280 hitter, which in the major leagues is a difference between a few million dollars. That is where I am right now with my thinking, obviously as a high school athlete is too risky to take steroids because of random drug testing, plus playing in college next year, u are automatically tested, so its not worth. I think if steroids were ever made legal, then that is something to think about, but I am not there yet. This is strictly for project research and my research is showing reasons why steroids aren't such a bad thing.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Are Student Athletes Taking Steroids? Re:

Earlier today an article in the Huffington Post came out with some information and stats about student athletes and steroids. According to the CDC about 11 percent of high school males that play a sport are using steroids. This is a very high number of students using steroids because of the obvious risks of using them. Steroids cause problems on the liver, increase chances of heart attack, and cause depression and suicidal thoughts. They found that students are taking steroids because they believe that famous professional athletes are taking them. The numbers that are shocking to me is that in 2002 only 57% of high school athletes believed that steroids were bad for you. This number should be much higher, I am not sure whether it is because they are not educated on the risks of taking steroids or because they see all of the pros benefit from it, but something needs to be done. Two things should be done, 1) make sure they are banned from all pro sports so these athletes will start setting a good example for the people who look up to them, and 2) start educating teens in health classes about the risk of Performance Enhancing Drugs. If you want to read the full article the link is posted below. There will be more posts about steroids to come in the next couple of weeks.